After a poor showing in the first issue, basically just being in crowd scene’s, issue 3 is when Power Girl gets her first moment in this series, Week 3, Day 1 for those playing along at home.
We start with Pee Gee chasing Terra Man as he’s fleeing from stealing from a jet. Terra-Man is a pretty deep cut, being an old Superman villain from back in the 1972. He was an old timey outlaw from the wild west who was taken to an alien world and given a whole load of alien tech. He even managed to defeat Superman to the point that everyone thought Supes was dead. And like a lot of Superman villain it seems that Pee Gee has adopted him as villain, like Vartox or Ultra Humanite (though they were originally a Batman villain). Anyway he doesn’t matter much, he’ll be dead within a few issues.
Power Girl chasing him though is her normal competent self, using her abilities smartly trying to stop Terra-Man. And things are going well until he flies into Kahndaq’s airspace, who’s ruler, Black Adam, stop her as he’s offer protection to villain. Because he’s the protagonist of the story he’s allowed to stop Pee Gee dead, even though I’m pretty sure she’s his equal in powers.
They have a fairly civil conversation about giving Terra-Man back to her, until Emo Adam starts to go on about how many died in the last Crisis. Like Tennant’s Doctor of the time he’s apparently calculated all those lost and hold the heroes responsible.
And that’s it’s for quite a long time in the series…