Ghost Writer – JSA #82

Ghost in the House

JSA #82
Infinite Crisis
Cover Date: April 2006
Released: 8th February 2006

  • Writers: Paul Levitz
  • Pencilers: George Pérez
  • Inker: Bob Wiacek
  • Colourists: Tom Smith
  • Letterer: Rob Leigh
  • Editors: Stephen Wacker / Harvey Richards

This takes place between two scenes with Pee Gee and Lois, in Infinite Crisis #3.

Being we’re dealing with the fallout of Pee Gee finding out she’s from Earth-2 what better character for her to interact with than Ma Hinkel! For those not in the know, Ma was THE original female superhero, the Red Tornado, and not only that she dress in a way not to reveal that she was a woman! To be fair until Green Lantern, Alan Scott, she was a character in a “comedy” that unfortunately had some of the dated aspects of the age. Still appearing as Red Tornado in All-American Comics #21 she precedes Wonder Woman by a whole two years!

Anyway, Ma, no keeper of the JSA museum, recognizes that Lois Lane’s notebook is written in shorthand, something a report of the era would obviously know. We then transition into Lois’s notes that then transition into another flashback of Bruce and Clark talking about the disbandment of the JSA, then straightaway go to loot their headquarters, except someone has already turned the place over.

Cutting back to Ma and Pee Gee, Ma explains that she doesn’t understand how the two heroes could have been in the JSA, the era when Ma was an active hero. Kara, in a really cute moment, tells Ma to trust Lois and just pretend it’s just a story. Remember at this point Pee Gee has just learned about her true identity and is processing everything she remembers about Earth-2.

But enough of the flashback we now see the Gentleman Ghost, who’s stealing something from Midwestern Univerity. First, we see however is him taking down one of the two security guards, the other having already been taken down. Then he takes what he was after a collection of gems, apparently artificially created. Unfortunately for the ghostly thief he’s stopped by Earth-2 Superman, not a slouch however he manages to distract Superman but dropping a heavy object on the security guards, fleeing whilst they are being saved. This is it appears is part of the flashback, though it’s originally not clear, and we have Clark and Lois following the story with Lois amusingly claiming she can tell that see the truth whoever’s hiding it!

Gentleman Ghost is however in Gotham trying to steal something from stately Wayne Manor, obviously being stopped by Batman, he also faces a similar situation when raiding a warehouse in Metropolis, only this time being stopped by Goldern Age Wonder Woman and an out of costume Jay Garrick Flash! He disappeared and the two compare notes with Superman.

We then end with old Lois having a tender moment with Supes, which is enough for Ma to shed a tear over the situation. Pee Gee mentions how frail Lois looks, causing Ma to show confusion about how she could be around seeing this all happens in the 40s. Ma closes the issue out by saying that the male heroes never get that it’s all about life and death, and all that matters is that the heroes look out for each other.

Kara isn’t as cool with things, having a sleepless night disappearing that she can’t play god(dess) and choose who lives a die.

This would be a good little tale even if it weren’t a tie-in to Infinite Crisis, it adds more to the character of Lois and Kara as well as setting up the plot of the JSA going forward. The scenes between Ma and Kara are really sweet, with them holding the emotional part of the story. Really the only criticism of the story is that Lois is really passive in the story, even in the Golden Age flashbacks she doesn’t do that much.