Oh Mac! – Suicide Squad (2011) #25

Cleaning Out The Closet

Suicide Squad (volume 4)
Forever Evil
Cover Date: January 2014
Released: 13th November 2013

  • Writers: Matt Kindt
  • Pencilers: Patrick Zircher
  • Inker: Patrick Zircher
  • Colourists: Jason Keith
  • Letterer: Jared K. Fletcher
  • Editors: Brian Cunningham / Wil Moss / Harvey Richards

Continued from Suicide Squad #24.

We start with the reveal of why both side think they’re working for Waller, the Thinker has been using a hologram to recruit heroes to work for him. We see Helena being cautious and refusing to help, whilst Pee Gee says she can’t not get involved and help people. It’s a nice example of the difference between the two character, though I’d expect Huntress to investigate in her own special way, she a daughter of Batman after all!

We then have our misunderstanding fight and for a change the actual heroes put on a good show, with Power Girl getting to show just how powerful she is compared to everyone else! Finally the baddies do the sensible thing and ask just who sent them, comparing note and figuring out what we just learned about Thinker’s hologram. This does mean somehow that Pee Gee, with the full range of Kryptonian senses didn’t figure out that Waller was a hologram, even when her teammate figured something was hinky and have just dealt with a shapeshifter from Apokolips the people who invaded Earth-2!

Anyway Harley is a traitor and is currently, somehow carried the massive OMAC to there ship and plugged him in to the power. Turning him back one before flying off and leaving everyone else to there fates!

Waller having monitored everything, but didn’t apparently think to warn anyone, goes down to the secret vault 7 under Belle Reve to revive another super secret Task Force (the Suicide Squad being Task Force X), something that must be super series as the door code is 7734 (aka Hell, slightly chuffed I spotted that one myself). We’re not shown that force as we have a quick flashback to show how Waller got collared, the great mastermind that is the Thinker came up behind her and literally threw the collar around her neck!

But enough of this masterful 3D chess as we learn the identity of her backup plan, but not Gordon who’s about to be King Shark chum, some big muscly guy called Kane! Don’t know who he is? Good because neither did I or the reader of the time as he’s a new character.

This is a solid enough set up issue, pieces are being put in place and the plot is moving one, but it’s doing so at it’s own pace. No terrible, but not really anything to write home about.